
Russians attacked Bilohorivka in Luhansk region from the air, attempts of enemy assaults were stopped - RMA

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Russian troops attacked Nevske, Karmazynivka and Bilohorivka in Luhansk region, the latter attacked from the air, attempted to storm the town but were stopped by Ukrainian defenders, the head of the Luhansk military administration said.

In the Luhansk region yesterday, Russian troops struck Nevskе, Karmazynivka and Bilohorivka, the latter by air. The enemy stormed this section of the front several times, but was stopped by Ukrainian defenders, the head of the Luhansk regional military administration Artem Lysogor said on Wednesday, UNN reports.

Nevske, Karmazynivka and Bilohorivka suffered from enemy fire yesterday. The enemy attacked the latter from the air. He stormed this section of the front several times, but all attempts were stopped by our defenders

- Lysogor wrote on Telegram.

At the same time, he said, every need of the residents of the de-occupied territories is quickly met. "Another one is medicines. Of course, everyone has their own list. We purchased and delivered them to Nevskoye yesterday. Fuel for generators is also a regular need," noted Lysogor.

As for the occupied territories, Lysohory said that even before the opening of polling stations in the temporarily occupied territories, early voting will be organized in Luhansk region. According to him, it will be held from March 11 to 14.

"The occupiers are planning to visit the apartments and houses of Luhansk residents who live in places far from the polling stations. Or do not live there at all. However, it is necessary to vote for them," noted Lysogor.

And also, he said, in settlements with difficult communication. According to the organizers, it is difficult to leave there, but it is quite possible to get there, he added.

Lysogor also said that is demanding money to restore electricity in Dovzhansk. "Utility workers in Dovzhansk have found an answer to the question about their inaction after the bad weather. They don't want to work solely for a salary. That's why they are demanding money from local residents to restore electricity in rural areas. They charge up to 80 thousand rubles to connect one street. Each subscriber is charged another two thousand," said Lysogor.

росіянин спрямував підбитий винищувач на цивільних на окупованій Луганщині – ОВА18.02.24, 11:40

Julia Shramko



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