
Russia is fully engaged in the war against Ukraine: NATO sees no military threat from Moscow to any member of the Alliance

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NATO sees no immediate military threat to any member of the Alliance, as Russia is now fully engaged in the war against Ukraine. However, the Alliance remains vigilant against potential cyberattacks, sabotage and other hostile actions.

NATO does not see any immediate military threat against any member of the Alliance, as Russia is now fully engaged in the war against Ukraine. This was stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, answering the question whether Russia is a new threat to NATO's eastern flank, UNN reports.

"We see no immediate military threat against any NATO member. And Russia is now fully engaged in a war against Ukraine. And they have also moved a lot of forces from along the border between Russia and Finland down to Ukraine. So we don't see any immediate military threat against any NATO member," Stoltenberg said.

Столтенберг очікує, що союзники погодяться з рішучою заявою про членство України в НАТО10.07.24, 19:43

Instead, he said, NATO sees a constant threat of cyberattacks, sabotage, and various types of hostile actions against NATO allies. 

"...of course, we have to be vigilant. We are closely watching what Russia is doing. And NATO Allies are investing heavily in new modern defense capabilities. And just the fact that we now have Finland and Sweden as members has made NATO stronger and Finland and Sweden safer.

Finland contributes a very capable force to our Alliance - a well-equipped, well-trained force, and the fact that Finland is now a member also certainly makes defense planning in Northern Europe, as well as in the Baltic States, easier," Stoltenberg concluded.

НАТО і Південна Корея розглянуть "флагманський проект" щодо України на саміті - Столтенберг06.07.24, 12:47


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