
russia brings medical teams from karelia to temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia - National Resistance

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Medical teams from karelia are working in the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia. The Ukrainian resistance movement has received lists of all medical teams that arrived in Ukraine from russia.

Doctors from Karelia have arrived in the temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhzhia region. This was reported by the Center of National Resistance, UNN reports.

Due to the lack of personnel in the TOT, the occupiers continue to bring medical teams from the territory of the russian federation. This happens on a rotational basis with bonuses paid to participants of the illegal business trip

- the statement said.


Medical teams from karelia are currently working in the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia. According to the National Resistance Center, anesthesiologists, an oncologist, ultrasound diagnosticians and therapists are working. The Ukrainian Resistance Movement notes that it has received lists of all medical teams that have arrived in Ukraine from russia.

At the same time, there is information that the quality and accessibility of medical services for the local population remains critically low. In particular, all hospitals in the temporarily occupied regions have an order to prioritize servicing the russian military.

Even when providing emergency assistance, preference is given to russians. As a result, the situation in the temporarily occupied regions is critical amid the worsening epidemiological situation and the humanitarian crisis in general. Civilian deaths are increasing significantly

- reports Resistance.

рф намагається приховати інформацію про втрати на війні в Україні напередодні виборів – Центр нацспротиву 14.01.24, 14:46

Anastasia Ryabokon



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