
Putin's prosecution: how the ICC complements Ukraine's efforts to bring war crimes to justice

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The Prosecutor General of Ukraine emphasized the role of the International Criminal Court in the investigation of war crimes in Russia. The ICC complements Ukraine's efforts to establish justice by having broader powers.

Prosecutor General of Ukraine Andriy Kostin emphasized the importance of the International Criminal Court in bringing to justice war crimes committed by the Russian army in Ukraine. He said this during a telethon, UNN reports.

The Prosecutor General said that the International Criminal Court (ICC) is an additional instrument of justice that supports national judicial systems. Its main purpose is to investigate and prosecute the most serious international crimes, such as genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, especially when national courts are unable or unwilling to do so. 

This is especially important in cases where the aggressor state commits mass crimes and its legal system does not function properly.

"In the case of Ukraine, the situation is somewhat unique. On the one hand, our country is actively investigating war crimes committed by the Russian army and has its own legal system to punish the perpetrators. On the other hand, there are certain restrictions that do not allow us to prosecute individuals, such as Russian President Putin. This is where the ICC comes in, as it has broader powers. Thus, the ICC complements Ukraine's efforts to establish justice and bring to justice those responsible for war crimes," Kostin said.


Kareem Khan, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), stated that significant progress has been made in bringing Russian President Vladimir Putin to justice for war crimes in Ukraine. However, he emphasized the need for real solidarity from the international community to achieve this goal. 

Iryna Kolesnik



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