
"Provocative and irresponsible actions": Ukraine's Foreign Ministry condemns DPRK's January 14 ballistic missile launch

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine condemns North Korea's latest ballistic missile launch, calling for stronger sanctions and strict compliance with UN resolutions. The MFA warns that this event increases regional tensions and violates international law.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine condemns the launch of a ballistic missile by the DPRK on January 14 and calls on the world to increase sanctions pressure on Pyongyang and those countries that circumvent the imposed bans. UNN reports this with reference to the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine strongly condemns the launch of a ballistic missile by the DPRK on January 14, 2024. Pyongyang's provocative and irresponsible actions violate international law and lead to an escalation of tensions in the region

- the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.


The Ministry once again emphasized the importance of strict compliance with UN Security Council resolutions on North Korea's missile and nuclear program. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls on the international community to increase sanctions pressure on the DPRK and those countries that circumvent the bans and restrictions imposed.

"The current threats to international peace and security associated with the intimidation of certain countries to use nuclear weapons are a violation of international legal norms. The world community must take decisive and proactive steps to prevent a nuclear attack at any time on any continent, which would lead to catastrophic consequences on a global scale," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Результати досліджень по нещодавніх масованих ударах рф теж мають стати доказовою базою для Міжнародного кримінального суду - Рувін16.01.24, 10:10


On Sunday, January 14 , North Korea fired a ballistic missile into the waters off the east coast of the Korean Peninsula. South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said the launch was a clear provocation that "seriously threatens the peace and security of the Korean Peninsula.

According to experts, hypersonic airframe missiles can theoretically fly at speeds many times faster than the speed of sound. They can also be very maneuverable in flight, making them virtually impossible to shoot down.  

Голова МЗС КНДР прибула в росію на тлі випробувань Північною Кореєю нової ракети15.01.24, 10:59

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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