
Polish Sejm condemns abduction of Ukrainian children by Russia

 • 18507 переглядiв

The Polish Parliament has adopted a resolution condemning the abduction of Ukrainian children by Russia. The document calls for an end to this practice and the return of children to Ukraine.

The Polish Sejm has adopted a resolution condemning the abduction of Ukrainian children, the lower house of the Polish parliament said on Wednesday, UNN reports.


"The Sejm of the Republic of Poland unequivocally condemns the abduction of Ukrainian children for the purpose of their illegal adoption and Russification. The actions of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, which cooperates with it, are a shameful attack on Ukrainian identity, violate the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child," the document says.

"The Polish Sejm has passed a resolution condemning the mass abduction of Ukrainian children by Russia! I personally appealed to the leadership of the Polish Sejm and the Vice Speaker Monika Wielichowska with this request. I am grateful to her for advocating the document. I am grateful to all the members of the Sejm who supported the resolution. This is a landmark decision on the eve of the Ukraine-Poland Parliamentary Assembly, where we are co-chairs with Monika Wielichowska," said Vice Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Olena Kondratiuk in a statement on this occasion.

According to Kondratyuk, the document states:

  • Poland is fighting for the rights of Ukrainian children in the international arena, in particular through its participation in the International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children. 
  • The Polish Sejm calls on the international community to join this and other initiatives aimed at bringing Ukrainian children home. 
  • The Sejm of the Republic of Poland calls for an immediate end to the practice of illegal abductions and the return of Ukrainian children to their homeland and to their legal guardians.

Палата представників США прийняла резолюцію щодо викрадення українських дітей рф20.03.24, 15:52

Julia Shramko



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