
Police officers will be on duty in 402 border and frontline educational institutions within a month

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Ukraine is implementing a project to deploy educational security officers in 402 schools near the russian and belarusian borders by the end of January.

By the end of the month, 402 schools that are close to the combat zone and located near the russian and belarusian borders will have an officer of the Educational Security Service. This was reported  by the National Police of Ukraine, UNN reported.


In Ukraine , training has started for current law enforcement officers who will be entering service in educational institutions as part of the "Educational Security Officers" project.

Subsequently, they will be replaced by JFO officers who will be selected and trained after the recruitment is announced.

"Як навчити дітей мінної безпеки": в Україні запустили онлайн-курс для освітян та рятувальників18.12.23, 13:27

This project is being implemented at the initiative of the government with the participation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the National Police. Its goal is to protect children in schools in the context of russia's full-scale war against Ukraine and to create a safe environment after the war.

- the National Police emphasize.

The agency emphasizes that an officer of the Educational Security Service is not a security guard, but a specialist in security issues in an educational institution.

In addition to police skills and safety protocols, he or she will have knowledge of the child's psychology to understand him or her and, if necessary, to help and take the necessary measures.

Already in January, 402 schools close to the combat zone and located near the russian and belarusian borders, which operate in full-time and mixed mode, will be provided with security officers temporarily from among the current employees of the security police, patrol police and other units of the National Police.

These are Volyn, Dnipropetrovs'k, Zhytomyr, Zaporizhzhia, Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Rivne, Sumy, and Chernihiv regions. 


It is noted that the powers of the police will include access control (many schools will install special frames and metal detectors), communication with emergency services, calling the police and responding personally to offenses, stopping them, and detaining offenders.

Металошукачі, рамки та працівник поліції: в освітніх закладах посилять безпеку07.12.23, 16:19

One of the most important aspects of the work is communicating with children in an educational institution, in particular about the threat of explosives and any unknown objects that a child may encounter

- the National Police summarized.

The agency adds that police officers will serve in this mode temporarily while future officers of the Educational Security Service are selected, trained and prepared after the competition is announced. 


In December, it became known that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine was launching a project with the first 500 educational environment officers from among current police officers to strengthen the safety of children, including special training and equipping schools with metal detectors.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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