
Pleasant surprise for residents of Omarby: for the first time in 30 years, a "forgotten" road has been repaired in Odesa region

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In March of this year, residents of the village of Omarbiya appealed to the Odesa Regional State Administration with a request to find a way to repair the local road.

We are talking about the Kilia - Omarbiya road, which was last repaired in Soviet times. The Odesa Regional State Administration responded to the request of the village residents, allocated funds, and today the road is in its final stages. Vyacheslav Chernyavsky, head of the Kiliya community, told UNN about this.


The Kilia-Omarbiya road is on the balance sheet of the Local Road Service, Cherniavsky said.

"The road was really in critical condition. We appealed to this Service, to the district and regional administrations with a request to help us with at least patching repairs. Thanks to the support of the district and regional administrations, the necessary funds were allocated. And the local road service held a tender and selected the winner. And today the entire section of the road running along the village of Ombiya has been repaired. Ambulances that used to travel through the fields to respond to calls can now use the road, city buses that were under threat of extinction are now operating, and the State Emergency Service and police can quickly respond to calls," he said.

Mr. Cherniavsky added that the road repairs are in the final stages: work is underway to strengthen the roadsides.

The villagers are very pleased. They say that they did not expect that not only the district, but also the region would pay attention to their problem and help

- He added.

Natalia Starysh, a resident of Omarbiya, shared her impressions of the new road.

"We are very happy, our life has improved. I've been living in Omarbia for almost 30 years, and I've never seen a road like this before. The fact is that Omarbiya is a remote neighborhood with only one school bus.  With the new road, it's easier and simpler for children to get to school. The new road has also solved our drinking water needs - it is now delivered faster. Because we do not have a drinking water supply. Now it is much easier to get to the medical center and shops," she said.

Starysh thanks the Odesa Regional State Administration for the unexpected gift.

"It was the regional state administration that helped us, allocated money. We are very grateful - they have done such a big piece of work. People are very pleased, it was an unexpected and pleasant surprise for the people of Omarbay," she summarized.

Для школярів Одещини закупили додаткові нові автобуси - Кіпер13.09.24, 15:46

Lilia Podolyak



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