
On the eve of his visit to the DPRK: Putin promises Pyongyang to build trade to circumvent Western sanctions

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On the eve of his upcoming visit to Pyongyang, Putin promised to develop alternative mechanisms for trade with North Korea to circumvent Western sanctions and build an "architecture of equal and indivisible security in Eurasia.

On the eve of his visit to North Korea, Russian President Vladimir Putin promised Pyongyang to build a new system of trade with the DPRK to avoid Western sanctions. This is stated in a letter from the Russian leader, according to Reuters, UNN.


The letter, in which Putin promises North Korea unwavering support and trade development, was published by the DPRK state media.

In the document, the Russian president stated that over the past 70 years, the two countries have developed good relations and a partnership based on equality, mutual respect and trust.

We will develop alternative mechanisms of trade and mutual settlements uncontrolled by the West and jointly oppose illegitimate unilateral restrictions. And at the same time, we will build an architecture of equal and indivisible security in Eurasia

- Reuters quotes part of Putin's letter. 

He also thanked North Korea for its support of the so-called "svo" and pledged to support Pyongyang's efforts to protect its interests despite what he called "US pressure, blackmail and military threats.

Електроніка та боєприпаси: Столтенберг розповів, як Китай та КНДР допомагають росії у війні проти України 27.05.24, 14:20


As you know, this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit North Koreafor the first time in 24 years. The visit will include one-on-one talks between the two leaders, as well as a gala concert, state reception, honor guard, signing of documents and a statement to the media.

Satellite images show that on the eve of the visit, North Korea appeared to be preparing for a possible military parade in downtown Pyongyang.

Reuters adds that the delegation will include Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, ministers of natural resources, health and transport, heads of the Russian space agency and its railways, and Putin's chief energy representative, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak.


South Korean Defense Minister Shin Wonsik said that North Korea has sent containers to Russiathat can store about 5 million artillery shells.

Південна Корея та США б’ють тривогу через зв’язки Північної Кореї та Росії перед візитом Путіна15.06.24, 04:11

Volodymyr Omelchenko

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