
On Monday, the leaders of South Korea, China, and Japan will discuss renewed cooperation at a trilateral summit, the first since 2019

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The leaders of South Korea, China, and Japan will meet in Seoul on Monday for their first trilateral summit since 2019 to revive cooperation and discuss regional and global issues.

The leaders of South Korea, China and Japan will meet in Seoul next week for their first trilateral talks since 2019. UNN writes about this with reference to AR.


The leaders of South Korea, China and Japan are planning to discuss reviving cooperation, the South Korean presidential office said on Thursday.

A trilateral meeting between South Korean President Yun Seok-yeol, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will be held on Monday in Seoul, Kim Tae-hyo, deputy director of Seoul's national security office, said at a press conference.

Chinese President Xi Jinping will not attend the meeting.

This summit will be a turning point for Korea, Japan and China to fully restore and normalize trilateral cooperation systems

- Kim said.

During the trilateral meeting, Kim said, the three leaders are expected to discuss cooperation on six topics proposed by South Korea - personnel exchanges, climate change, trade, healthcare and aging, technology, and disasters. He said these discussions would be included in a joint statement after the summit.

Kim said that the three leaders will also discuss uncertain regional and international political issues, as well as how to jointly respond to the global political crisis and promote international peace.


The first trilateral summit was held in 2008 and was intended to be an annual event. But the summit has been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the often difficult ties between the Asian neighbors since the last summit in December 2019 in China.

Байден пов’язав економічні проблеми Китаю, Індії та Японії із "ксенофобією"02.05.24, 09:39

Anastasia Ryabokon

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