
Okhmatdyt successfully transplanted kidneys from a posthumous donor to two teenagers

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Two teenagers, aged 11 and 16, have successfully received a kidney transplant from a posthumous donor at the National Children's Specialized Hospital “Okhmatdyt” in Ukraine.

Two teenagers received kidney transplants from a posthumous donor at the National Children's Specialized Hospital "Ohmatdyt". This was reported by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, UNN reports .

Thanks to a transplantation from a posthumous donor, two children were saved at the NSCNI "Okhmatdyt". An 11-year-old and a 16-year-old boy have successfully undergone a long-awaited kidney transplant, and now they are waiting for rehabilitation,

- the statement said.


The youngest of the children, Oleksiy from Kharkiv region, lived in the hospital for more than a year and underwent hemodialysis, struggling hard with a congenital urinary system defect and chronic kidney disease.

It is noted that Lesha had the opportunity to receive a kidney transplant four times, but due to his immune system and the antibodies that his body produced, these options were not suitable for the child. The boy's grandmother was a potential donor, but she had an immunological incompatibility. This meant that the kidney would not take root.

The donor for the boys was a young man from Odesa Oblast who had been involved in a fatal car accident. His wife gave her consent to the removal of organs for donation. Specialists managed to transport the organs to the Okhmatdyt in a very short time and prepared the boys for surgery.


Doctors at the Shalimov Institute have successfully removed a pancreatic tumor that was causing hypoglycemia and neuropsychiatric disorders in a woman, returning her to health and active life.

Olga Rozgon



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