
Official car of the head of the 93rd Brigade's patronage service burned in Dnipro

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Unidentified persons set fire to the car of Alina Karnaukhova, head of the patronage service of the 93rd Kholodny Yar Brigade. Law enforcement officers opened a criminal investigation; this is not the first time that the vehicles of members of this brigade have been set on fire.

Alina Karnaukhova's official car was burned in Dnipro. This was reported by journalist Andriy Tsaplienko, according to UNN.


In Dnipro, unknown persons burned the official car of Alina Karnaukhova, head of the patronage service of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade “Kholodny Yar”. 

Law enforcement officers have already opened a criminal investigation into the incident.


Unfortunately, this is not the first case of arson attacks on the vehicles of the 93rd Brigade.

Спалили 15 автівок ЗСУ: затримано шість одеситів29.07.24, 10:32

Julia Kotwicka



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