
Occupants in the occupied territories recruit "policemen" from among the locals - National Resistance Center

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The occupiers in the temporarily occupied territories recruit local residents to their "police" due to staff shortages, allowing them to bring even fake educational documents.

The occupiers in the temporarily occupied territories are encouraging locals to serve in the "police" to cover the shortage of personnel. This was reported by the Center of National Resistance, UNN reports.

In the temporarily occupied territories, police officers are being recruited from among the locals to cover the shortage of personnel. Currently, the russians are looking for people to join the headquarters of the russian guard and the traffic police for the position of "organization of military-patriotic work." There are almost no requirements for the position, fake education in "universities" based on seized premises of Ukrainian universities is allowed (specialty is not important), or experience in the Russian army is allowed

- the statement said.


It is noted that there are intentions to form law enforcement agencies in the occupied territories from among local residents by 2026.


Due to the refusal of residents of the temporarily occupied territories to receive russian passports, the occupiers launched an online service for passportization of the population.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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