
"Not only protecting the state border": Zelensky shares photos of Ukrainian border guards' work

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President Zelenskyy congratulated Ukrainian border guards on their professional holiday, praising them for protecting the state and the people along with other security agencies and expressing confidence that they will soon be working peacefully on all sovereign borders.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy shared photos of the work of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, congratulating border guards on their professional day, UNN reports.

Our border guards not only defend the state border, but together with the entire Defense and Security Forces of Ukraine they defend our country and people on different fronts. We believe that there will come a time when Ukrainian border guards will work in peace on all sections of our sovereign state border. We are doing everything to bring this time closer.

- Zelensky wrote on social media.

He thanked "each and every one of them, the entire staff of the State Border Guard Service for their protection, dedication, and worthy service." "Happy professional day - Day of the Border Guard of Ukraine!" - the Head of State summarized.

Сьогодні День прикордонника України – охоронці рубежів нашої держави першими вступили у нерівний бій з військами агресора30.04.24, 06:39

Julia Shramko



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