
No electricity shortage, power outages in Kharkiv and Mykolaiv region due to enemy shelling - Ministry of Energy

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Despite adverse weather conditions and hostile shelling that caused power outages in several regions, Ukraine is not experiencing a shortage of electricity, as it has enough of its own generation and two units of generating equipment in reserve. The Ministry of Energy is calling for a reduction in load during peak hours.

There is no shortage of electricity in Ukraine, with two units of generating equipment in reserve. Due to the bad weather, 45 settlements in three regions are without electricity. In Kharkiv, 700 homes are still without power after enemy attacks, and due to enemy shelling , equipment was damaged in Mykolaiv region, and wind power plants are partially unloaded, with blackouts. This was reported on Thursday by the Ministry of Energy, UNN writes.

Generation and consumption

"There is no shortage of electricity in the power system. Domestic generation is sufficient to cover the needs of consumers," the statement said.

As indicated, two buildings and a TPP unit were put out of service for emergency repairs, while two TPP units were returned to operation after short-term repairs. Two units of generating equipment are in reserve.

"The system is balanced. Stabilization schedules of outages are not applied," the statement said.

At the same time, the Ministry of Energy noted that reducing the load on the power system during peak consumption hours (from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 17:00 to 19:00) is important. The Ministry of Energy calls for the transfer of consumption of energy-intensive appliances to another time.

Consequences of shelling

The enemy shelling reportedly damaged equipment at one of the substations in Mykolaiv region. "As a result, wind power plants were partially unloaded, and three settlements (more than 1,100 consumers) were cut off from electricity," the Energy Ministry said.

Low-pressure gas pipelines in Marganets and Nikopol were damaged as a result of the hostilities. Some customers are disconnected.

Криворіжжя вночі зазнало дронової атаки рф, є руйнування на підприємстві - ОВА25.01.24, 08:46


For the current day, electricity imports are forecasted at 5,737 MWh, while no exports are expected.

Situation at ZNPP

"The water level in the cooling pond is 15.61 meters. This is enough to meet the needs of the plant," the statement said.


Due to the bad weather, 45 settlements in three regions are without power. In Zakarpattia region, 25 settlements (over 7.3 thousand consumers) are without electricity, in Lviv region - 17 settlements (1700 consumers), in Kirovograd region - 400 consumers in three settlements.

Снігопади та вітер залишили без світла 17 населених пунктів на Львівщині25.01.24, 09:00

"In Kharkiv, power engineers continue to eliminate the consequences of hostile shelling on January 22. Power was supplied to the switchboards of 6 five-story buildings. More than 700 consumers remain without power," the statement reads. 

Almost 2,000 metering points in Kharkiv region were powered up yesterday. As of this morning, more than 16.4 thousand consumers remain without power. There is also information about the shelling of a number of settlements - almost 2,000 consumers were left without power, the Ministry of Energy noted.

Julia Shramko



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