
National Police denies information about a dangerous trend of inhalation of toxic substances in Ukraine

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The trend of inhaling toxic vapors of household products, called huffing, has spread abroad. No such cases have been recorded in Ukraine. This was stated by the National Police of Ukraine, UNN reports.


The National Police explained that the challenge, also called “chroming” and “chroming,” involves inhaling toxic fumes from household products: nail polish, markers, aerosols, and other household substances.

It causes serious health consequences, including damage to the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs, and can lead to addiction and even death. 

It is worth noting that in the reports recently disseminated in the Ukrainian media, all the information presented is based on the opinion of foreign researchers, taken from a foreign media source, and describes the problems of teenagers abroad. In Ukraine, the National Police units have not recorded any cases of “chroming”, and the Ukrainian segment of the Internet has not recorded any increase in the popularity of this challenge

- the National Police of Ukraine emphasized. 

However, officers of juvenile prevention, cyberpolice, and drug crime units of the National Police remind parents of safety recommendations and rules for teenagers:

  • Communicate with children and be their friends. Warn them about the risks of such dangerous trends and their consequences. Explain the real danger to health and life from such actions.
  • Take an interest in the content children watch and their social media activity.
  • Stay in touch, be available for your child's requests and concerns. Encourage your child to share their thoughts and questions.
  • Check the sources of information. Do not trust everything you see on the Internet. Teach children to be critical of the information they share. Always check facts from reliable sources before sharing them.

Cyberpolice calls on citizens to check information exclusively on official sources and follow the basic rules of fact-checking and cyber hygiene to avoid spreading false information

- law enforcement officers emphasized. 


Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets has warned that a new dangerous trend is rapidly spreading on social media - children inhaling vapors of household toxic substances on camera.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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