
"More than UAH 1.2 million laundered on repair of hospital shelter: large-scale corruption scheme involving MP exposed in Poltava region

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Law enforcement officers exposed a corruption scheme during the repair of a shelter in a hospital in Poltava region,  with the total amount of kickbacks amounting to over UAH 1,200,000. Among the defendants  are the head of the hospital and a local deputy. This was reported by UNN with reference to the National Police


As noted, as part of the program for the development and support of the city hospital, budget funds were allocated for repairs. However, the members of the criminal group set up their own scheme to use these funds.

 According to the plan, the winners of the tenders for the hospital were "friendly" business entities.  From one of the contractors alone, the total amount of kickbacks received was more than UAH 1.2 million, which was distributed among all participants in the transaction. 

The defendants include the head of a hospital, a current deputy of one of the constituency groups in Poltava region, and the head of a commercial structure. As noted, the deputy purchased a car with the proceeds of crime and registered it in the name of his relatives.

The investigation also revealed facts of transferring money to the contractor's accounts in full for work that was either not performed at all or partially performed. This applies to the current repair of the shelter and the modernization of the gas boiler in the city hospital. The amount of damages caused by these facts is more than UAH 5,900,000, the National Police said. 

В ДСНС викрили корупціонерів, які ставила під загрозу безпеку критичної інфраструктури Тернопільщини03.01.24, 11:44


As part of the searches, money in national and foreign currency totaling more than UAH 3,500,000, gold bars, computer equipment, bank cards, and draft records were seized.

Based on the obtained evidence, three members of the criminal group, depending on their role in the scheme, were served a notice of suspicion for:

-    Art. 191(5) (Misappropriation, embezzlement or seizure of property through abuse of office);

- Part 3 of Art. 368 (Acceptance of an offer, promise or receipt of an unlawful benefit by an official);

-    ч . 3 of Art. 369 (Offer, promise or provision of an unlawful benefit to an official);

-    Part 1 of Art. 209 (Legalization (laundering) of the proceeds of crime);

-    Part 1 of Art. 366 (forgery in office).

Готував екологічний теракт на Одещині: правоохоронці затримали агента фсб18.01.24, 10:43

The court has already imposed on the hospital director and the head of the contractor organization a pre-trial restraint in the form of detention with the right to post UAH 240,000 bail each. As for the third participant , a member of the commission, the consideration of the motion to impose a preventive measure on him will take place in the near future, the police said. 

The maximum penalty that suspects can face under the articles is 12 years in prison.

Tatiana Kraevskaya

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