
May 25: World Surgery Day, in Ukraine Day of Publishers, Printing and Book Distribution Workers

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Today, on May 25, various events are taking place in many countries around the world to mark World Surgery Day, which is one of the oldest branches of medicine, but its widespread use has only become possible since the 19th century.

Today, May 25, various events are taking place in many countries around the world on the occasion of World Surgery Day, UNN reports.

Surgery is one of the oldest branches of medicine, but its widespread use has been possible since the nineteenth century. First, the rapid development of knowledge of human anatomy, then the scientific substantiation and introduction of antiseptic and aseptic techniques, anesthesia, the discovery of blood groups by system and their compatibility during hemotransfusion. Surgical instruments play a prominent role in surgical treatment.

The key goal of today's event, which was initiated by a group of medical organizations, is to raise awareness of the critical need for equitable and quality surgical care around the world.

On the last Saturday of May, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Publishers, Printing and Book Distribution Workers.

Printing presses appeared in Ukraine as early as the 15th century, so printing has its own long history. The  Ostroh Bible, published in 1581, was a work of book art. This book became a kind of canon by which religious books were published not only in Ukraine but also in neighboring European countries.

A related, though unofficial, holiday celebrated in Ukraine today is Philologist's Day.

The first documented philological study of the Ukrainian language can be considered the dictionary of Lavrentiy Zizaniy, created in the 16th century, in which more than a thousand words of Church Slavonic are explained by their Ukrainian equivalents.

Employees of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection also celebrate their professional holiday in Ukraine.

Many countries are celebrating World Thyroid Day today.

The thyroid gland is an organ of the endocrine system that produces hormones necessary for the proper functioning of the body (calcitonin, thyroxine, and triiodothyronine). Disruption of the gland's activity has serious consequences: delayed physical and mental development, facial swelling, decreased intellectual abilities, drowsiness, etc.

Doctors assure that almost a third of the world's population has problems with the thyroid gland, so you need to regularly visit an endocrinologist and undergo ultrasound diagnostics.

Today is also the International Day of Skin Pigmentation, an event dedicated to raising public awareness of various diseases that affect skin pigmentation, such as vitiligo, albinism, and melasma.

According to the church calendar, today is the Day of the Third Discovery of the Head of John the Baptist.

John the Baptist exposed King Herod Antipas for living with his brother's wife. For this he was thrown into prison, where he was kept for 10 months.

During a banquet in honor of the king's birthday, his mistress persuaded her daughter to demand that the head of John the Baptist be brought to her. Antipas had previously sworn that he would fulfill the girl's every whim, so he sent a soldier to prison and beheaded John the Baptist. John's body was buried, and the severed head was buried separately by a maid in the palace of Herod Antipas.

The head of John the Baptist was found twice and lost twice.

According to legend, the head of John the Baptist was found for the third time in the 9th century near the city of Emesa and transferred to Constantinople.

Today, Ivan, Victoria, and Elena celebrate their name days.

Zakhar Podkidyshev

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