
Lubinets meets with Qatari Ambassador Hadi Al-Ghajri: they discussed the return of captured Ukrainians

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The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights discussed with the Qatari ambassador the return of deported children, prisoners of war and civilians from Russia. Qatar assists Ukraine in repatriating its citizens.

Ukrainian Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets discussed the return of deported Ukrainian children, prisoners of war and civilians from Russia with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Qatar to Ukraine Gadi Al-Ghadri. He reported this in his official telegram channel, UNN reports.

I would like to note that Qatar is the only country that publicly helps to return our children. I hope that with the assistance of this state we will have new results in returning Ukrainians home! After all, the task we face is to return everyone! I thank Mr. Ambassador for his visit to our Office! Let's keep working!

- Lubinets noted.


Lubinets said that the conversation with the Qatari Ambassador took place at the Office of the Ukrainian Ombudsman. Gadi Al-Ghajri personally visited the Ukrainian office as soon as he returned to Kyiv.

According to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, during the conversation they discussed the fourth  point of the Presidential Peace Formula. Namely, they touched upon the most important points:

  • return of children forcibly displaced and deported by Russia;
  • return and protection of the rights of civilians illegally abducted and detained by the Russian Federation; 
  • return of prisoners of war.

Lubinets also thanked Qatar for its assistance in the return of Ukrainian children and the concrete results that Ukraine has already achieved.

Зеленський та емір Катару обговорили питання миру та повернення українських дітей08.01.24, 18:42


The last prisoner exchange took place on January 3. It was called the largest during the full-scale invasion. 230 Ukrainians were released. In particular, 6 civilians and 48 people who were officially considered "missing" were returned home.

Tatiana Salganik



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