
Large-scale illegal gambling business organized under the guise of law enforcement: 34 people to be tried

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Law enforcement officers sent to court an indictment against 34 members of a criminal organization that set up an unimpeded operation of a network of gambling facilities in Ukraine. They involved two law enforcement officers to cover up their activities. This is reported by UNN with reference to the State Bureau of Investigation and the Office of the Prosecutor General.


Reportedly, a group of individuals organized an extensive network of gambling establishments in Kyiv, Kyiv region and Odesa.

The criminals created one of the largest networks of underground gambling halls operating in Ukraine for at least 5 years. To cover up their criminal activity, they engaged two law enforcement officers. The latter were supposed to "turn a blind eye" to the revealed facts of illegal activity, for which they systematically received bribes

- the SBI said in a statement.

As noted, before the full-scale invasion of Russia, there were about 400 illegal gambling establishments in the country. Afterwards, they briefly stopped operating, but gradually began to reopen.

Gambling halls in Kyiv, the region, and Odesa were the most active. The monthly turnover of gambling facilities in these two cities alone averaged UAH 300 million.

In the course of the investigation, law enforcement officers conducted more than 200 searches at the suspects' residences, offices that supported the operation of illegal gambling facilities and premises where gambling services were provided.

В Києві судитимуть посадовця ДСНС, який не задекларував майно дружини на близько 13 млн гривень24.01.24, 14:21

More than 530 units of computer equipment, draft accounting, records and other things and items indicating the activities of gambling establishments were seized.

In addition, cash in the amount of more than UAH 2.6 million, USD 125 thousand and EUR 5 thousand was seized from gambling establishments and organizers' residences.

It is also reported that in the course of the investigation, the property of the defendants totaling more than UAH 100 million was seized.

The defendants, who provided support for the operation of gambling establishments and organizers, are suspected of committing crimes under Art. 255, parts 1-2, Art. 28, part 4, Art. 203-2, part 4, Art. 28, part 3, Art. 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, and law enforcement officers - under Art. 365-3, part 1, Art. 368, part 3, Art. 255 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

They face a sentence of up to twelve years in prison.

На Рівненщині судитимуть посадовця, який за хабар передав комунальну землю в оренду23.01.24, 16:07

Tatiana Kraevskaya

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