
Kyrylo Kernes "disappeared from the radar" after the start of the full-scale invasion - Kharkiv regional council deputy

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Kyrylo Kernes, the ex-mayor's son, disappeared after the invasion; his faction expelled him for his silence and inaction.

The son of former Kharkiv mayor Gennadiy Kernes, Kyrylo, "disappeared" after the start of Russia's full-scale invasion and did not get in touch with his party members. This was reported in an exclusive commentary to UNN by Oleh Karatumanov, a deputy of the Kharkiv Regional Council from the Kernes Bloc - Successful Kharkiv faction.

Kyrylo Kernes simply disappeared. The deputies, and I, as the deputy head of the faction, also had questions - gentlemen, where is our faction leader and why is he silent and says nothing about what is happening in our country? He has completely, as they say, disappeared from the radar 

- said the MP.


Kyrylo Kernes himself said in an interview that he met the war at home and slept on the floor for "more than a week." Then, according to him, he and his children moved to western Ukraine, and in mid-March he went abroad as a single father. It should be noted that when the full-scale war began, Kernes Jr. was the head of the Kernes Bloc - Successful Kharkiv faction in the Kharkiv Regional Council.

According to Karatumanov, it was precisely because Kyrylo Kernes did not get in touch and did not express his position that the faction unanimously supported his removal from the post of leader.

"When the deputies started asking the question "Where is our faction leader?" and before the faction met, I had a conversation with Kernes. I told him that the head of the faction cannot be abroad and not participate in the life of our region. He should not be silent and not express his position," said the regional council member.

He added that when Kyrylo Kernes finally got in touch with him, he told him that the MPs were not satisfied with his position and the fact that he had disappeared. According to him, Kyrylo himself justified himself by saying that he had domestic problems.

Karatumanov also suggested that Kyrylo Kernes has a grudge against being deprived of the leadership of the faction, and someone may use these emotions to their advantage.

Earlier , UNN learned from its own sources that Kyrylo Kernes regularly meets with pro-Russian politician Yevhen Muraiev in Vienna, Austria. According to British intelligence, Russia wanted to appoint Muraiev as "governor of Ukraine" when it "takes Kyiv in three days." 

According to UNN's interlocutors , Muraiev, in turn, promised Kyrylo Kernes to make him the "governor of Kharkiv." Perhaps this is why the son of the former Kharkiv mayor kept silent about the outbreak of a full-scale war for a long time and remained in Ukraine for some time. It should be noted that, according to media reports, Yevhen Muraiev himself was also in Ukraine when the full-scale war began. 


Earlier, we told who Kyrylo Kernes is, who has only recently appeared in the information field, and how his statements about the events of three years ago in Kharkiv play into the hands of the Kremlin. 

Lilia Podolyak



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