
Kyiv City State Administration: Distance learning in schools may be recommended in case of increase in morbidity

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In case of an increase in the incidence of flu and ARVI among schoolchildren, educational institutions in Kyiv may be recommended to switch to distance learning, the Kyiv City State Administration reported on Tuesday, UNN reports.


Kyiv authorities report that doctors are urging parents not to take children with symptoms to kindergartens and schools.

"The incidence of influenza and ARVI among children is increasing in the capital: 11,305 cases were detected last week (2,244 cases more than the previous week)," the Kyiv City State Administration noted.

In order to prevent the rapid spread of infections, doctors also urge to comply with epidemiological safety measures and to be conscious of health.

If the incidence rate among schoolchildren continues to rise, the city will be forced to recommend that the capital's educational institutions work remotely

- the KCSA emphasized in social networks

На Київщині різко зросла кількість хворих на грип та ГРВІ30.01.24, 15:08


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