
Kherson suffered another enemy attack at night: three people were wounded

 • 29166 переглядiв

Russian troops shelled Kherson overnight, wounding three local residents, including two women aged 57 and 39 and a 25-year-old man, the head of the Kherson regional military administration said.

Kherson suffered another attack by Russian troops at night, three local residents were wounded, the head of the Kherson Regional Military Administration Oleksandr Prokudin said on Wednesday, UNN reports.

Last night, Russian troops struck Kherson again. Private and apartment buildings are under fire. Three citizens were lightly wounded. Two women, aged 57 and 39, and a 25-year-old man were wounded

- Prokudin said on Telegram.

According to him, doctors provided medical assistance to all the victims on the spot.

"The homes of families who evacuated from the Korabel neighborhood to escape the "big water" were also hit. Last night their new homes were shelled by Russia..." - Prokudin said.

Херсонщину росіяни атакували 47 разів, четверо поранених21.02.24, 08:18

Julia Shramko



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