
Kernes' son sees no point in investigating attempted assassination of his father

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Kyrylo Kernes, the son of former Kharkiv mayor Hennadiy Kernes, sees no point in investigating the attempted assassination of his father in 2014. He said this in an interview with journalist Dmytro Gordon. Experts interviewed by UNN believe that he is trying to promote himself by mentioning his father's death.

"I believe this is the work of the investigative authorities. You yourself know that the assassination attempt was never investigated. My father is no longer alive - I think it makes no sense," Kernes said, answering a journalist's question about whether he could say who was behind the attempted assassination of his father.

He also noted that Gennadiy Kernes guessed who was behind the attempted murder and shared his thoughts with his son. 

At the same time, Kyrylo Kernes, answering the question whether he knew these names, said that he was not sure whether these people were still alive.  He also added that he does not follow them.

According to him, the reason for the assassination attempt was that Hennadiy Kernes was a man of principle, strong and character. "That is why many people, of course, did not like him. And I think this is the main reason," Kernes Jr. said.

Kyrylo Kernes did not appear in the Ukrainian media at all. He began actively promoting his statements in some media only three years after his father's death. At the same time, according to Kyrylo Kernes, he wants justice. At the same time, his position on the assassination attempt on Hennadiy Kernes, which left the former mayor of Kharkiv confined to a wheelchair, is surprising.

Kharkiv deputy from the political force "Kernes's Block  - Successful Kharkiv" Oleh Karatumanov believes that in this way Kyrylo Kernes is trying to promote himself on the death of his father, and his actions are orchestrated. 

"Look - for 3.5 years he was silent, he was satisfied with everything, he had no questions. And after 3.5 years, he starts making some outlandish statements... I had a faction (faction meeting - ed.) and at the faction... I asked everyone a question - who is the director of all this that is happening now? He was silent for 3.5 years, and now he is such a truth-teller... we need to look for who is interested in this and who is the director of this movie," Karatumanov said in an exclusive comment to UNN.

Experts interviewed by UNN also tend to believe that Kernes Jr. is trying to enter the Ukrainian media field in this way.

Security expert Serhiy Shabovta believes that Kyrylo Kernes will continue to attract attention with absurd statements and will try to return to political life by any means, even using the death of his father.

"The son of Kernes... he came out of the darkness, he will now fuel interest around him with his statements, the most absurd and ridiculous ones, he needs it to breed his name and return it to the field of some kind of political ping-pong, nothing more," Shabovta said in an exclusive commentary to UNN.

Political scientist Ihor Reiterovych noted that from a moral and ethical point of view, it is not good to promote the death of a father.

"This particular story is illustrative: it didn't start right away, a lot of time passed, everything was quiet and calm, no one raised anything, no questions or problems. And when, apparently, this person (Kyrylo Kernes - ed.) failed to do something there... in independent swimming, because it's one thing when you have a father, another when you don't, and you start to engage in political activity, business, without having skills, competence, talent, and you start having big problems, very often people resort to this," he said in an exclusive commentary to UNN.

According to him, similar stories often happen in Western countries, when a millionaire dies and a few years later scandals start between children or partners  because someone's business has not gone well and they start using the death factor to draw attention to themselves and gain some advantages.

"It's a very similar story here. Because it's hard for me to imagine a person who knows for sure that his father was killed, as he says, and he remains silent for a long period of time. He walks around, talks calmly with those people whom he now accuses of having something to do with it. This does not look normal from the point of view of human behavior. That's why I'm inclined to believe that this is a bad story, which is connected with the desire to gain something in this way," Reiterovich said.

The political analyst also added that in this way, Kernes Jr. will not be able to come to power in Kharkiv. "People remember Kernes (senior - ed.), but the image of a father is not always reflected positively on children," Reiterovich summarized.


Earlier, UNN described in detail who Kirill Kernes is and how his statements play into the hands of the Kremlin. In addition, his statementthat he was not born for warand therefore fled Ukraine is also surprising.

At the same time, UNN learned from its own sources that Kernes regularly meets in Vienna with Yevhen Muraiev, the leader of the banned pro-Russian party Nashi. This may indicate that Kernes Jr.  He is suspected of possibly assisting pro-Russian elements to destabilize the region. 

Lilia Podolyak



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