
In Ukraine, one person was bitten by a poisonous doodlebug, and russians are already dispelling fakes about the spider invasion

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In Odesa region, a man was bitten by a poisonous karakurta spider and is receiving medical treatment. The Ministry of Health denies rumors of mass bites and fatalities related to the spiders' activation due to the abnormal heat.

This summer, during an abnormal heat wave in Ukraine, spiders, including poisonous ones, became more active. A case of a karakurta bite was recorded in Odesa region, after which a man needed medical care, but there were no fatalities. This was reported by the Center for Countering Disinformation with reference to the Ministry of Health, UNN writes.


According to the Ministry of Health, there have been no reports of mass appeals for medical care in connection with bites. In July, a case of a poisonous caracurta spider bite was reported, after which the victim, a resident of Odesa region, sought medical attention. He is in the hospital and receiving the necessary assistance, and his condition is stable.

The Ministry of Health also emphasized that due to this year's abnormal heat, spiders have indeed become more active in Ukraine, but there have been no fatalities. In case of a bite, it is recommended to seek medical attention immediately. It is important to remember that bites from the most poisonous spider in Ukraine are mostly non-fatal

- the statement said.

At the same time, the Anti-Corruption Action Center notes that russian propaganda is trying to spread fakes about mass spider bites: allegedly, several deaths have already been recorded and many people are in hospitals, but this is not true.


Life-threatening complications after a caracurta spider bite can occur in people who are prone to allergic reactions, suffer from some chronic diseases, or have bronchial asthma. However, it is primarily those people who do not seek medical attention who die from the bite.

На Львівщині через укус змії чоловік потрапив до лікарні28.05.24, 12:50

Anastasia Ryabokon



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