
In the Russian Federation, drunken commanders shoot their subordinates, and the number of military conflicts is increasing

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Commanders of the Western Military District of the Russian Federation shoot their subordinates under the influence of alcohol or drugs, which leads to increased conflicts in the units.

In Russia, the number of conflicts in military units is growing. Commanders, while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, shoot their subordinates.

This is reported by the Center for National Resistance, UNN reports.


In the Russian Federation, the number of conflicts between the military has increased significantly, and the situation among the personnel has worsened, with the latter showing dissatisfaction with their commanders.

According to information, one of the most problematic regions is the western military district, where there is a tendency for unit commanders to commit violence against their subordinate personnel.

According to sources, there have been numerous cases of mass killings of military personnel in the Kursk region, when unit commanders, while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, shot their subordinates.


In early February 2024, the Kursk garrison military court handed down a verdict in the case of a senior warrant officer who, under the influence of alcohol, shot a line of his subordinates. He was sentenced to 14 years in prison.

Британська розвідка: через війну в Україні рф стикнулася з браком лікарів11.02.24, 17:14

Julia Kotvitskaya



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