
In Ternopil region, a vandal damaged the graves of fallen soldiers

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In the Ternopil region, a 53-year-old man committed acts of vandalism on four graves of fallen soldiers, damaging crosses, candlesticks, the Ukrainian flag and portraits. For this crime, he faces up to 5 years in prison.

On Monday, June 3, in the village of Gusyatyn, Ternopil region, a 53-year-old man abused four graves of fallen soldiers. For the crime, he now faces up to five years in prison. About it UNN reports with reference to the police of the region. 


Police recorded four damaged graves of servicemen who died in the war. Crosses were thrown on them, candlesticks were scattered, the national flag of Ukraine and portraits of military personnel were torn down.

In the course of operational search activities, law enforcement officers identified the attacker. A 53-year-old resident of one of the villages of the community was involved in the crime. As indicated in the police, the man had previously been repeatedly convicted of property crimes. The motives of his act are being investigated by law enforcement officers. 

On this fact, police investigators opened criminal proceedings under Part 2 of Article 297 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (abuse of a grave, other burial place or over the body of the deceased). The sanction of the article provides for a penalty of three to five years of restriction or imprisonment.

The issue of declaring suspicion to the person involved and choosing a preventive measure is being resolved.

Родичі захисників "Азовсталі" закликали до цивілізованих способів підтримки військовополонених, та засудили вандалізм11.04.24, 18:28


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In Ternopil region, a vandal damaged the graves of fallen soldiers

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