
In South Korea, a man deliberately gained 20 kg to avoid serving in the army: how it all ended

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A Seoul court sentenced a man to a suspended sentence for intentionally gaining weight to avoid military service. The man doubled his food intake and stopped physical activity to get a lighter form of service. This was reported by UNN with reference to Associated Press


The man was convicted of intentionally gaining more than 20 kilograms to avoid the harshness of conscription in the army. The fact is that in South Korea, all able-bodied men must serve in the army for 18-21 months, but people with health problems can instead fulfill their duties in non-military institutions such as welfare centers and public works centers. If their problems are serious, they are exempt from military duty. 

 The Seoul Eastern District Court sentenced a man to one year in prison, suspended for two years, for violating the military service law. The court reported that the man's friend received a 1-year suspended sentence for aiding and abetting a crime. Local media reported that the two were friends, both 26 years old, but the court said it could not confirm these reports. 

A 2017 checkup found the man fit for military service at 169 centimeters tall and 83 kilograms. But on the advice of his friend, who said that being overweight could result in a social service assessment, he doubled his daily food intake, focused on eating high-calorie foods, and quit his part-time job as a courier, according to the court's public relations department.

У Литві запроваджують строкову військову службу для випускників шкіл14.06.24, 05:42


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