
In Kherson region, farmers are forced to pay 10-15% of tribute to collaborators for selling crops

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Farmers in the temporarily occupied territories of the Kherson region are forced to pay 10-15% of their earnings to collaborators as a mandatory tribute in order to sell their crops.

Farmers in the occupied territories of the Kherson region have to pay collaborators 10-15% of their earnings to sell their crops. This is reported by the Center of National Resistance, UNN reports.


Farmers in the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson region have faced new obstacles to selling their crops. In order to sell last year's harvest, they have to pay a mandatory tribute to local collaborators. The established tax is between 10 and 15% of their earnings.

If farmers dare to sell their products without the "permission" of the so-called "supervisors," they will face serious problems. Possible consequences include criminal prosecution, forced conscription into the occupation army, or detention in basements.

In addition, farmers have to pay the same percentage when purchasing fertilizers for the next crop. This mechanism is an additional instrument of pressure on local farmers.

Another scheme of profiteering from local farmers has been in place since the beginning of the occupation. Farmers are forced to cooperate with gasket companies, through which they can sell their products only at fixed, below-market prices. After that, the grain is transferred to entities affiliated with the gatekeepers, who resell it at market prices, taking the difference for themselves.

Окупанти вивозять крадене українське зерно з Херсонщини до Карелії у контейнерах китайських компаній22.05.24, 15:33

Julia Kotvitskaya



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