
In Dnipro, unknown persons set fire to an Armed Forces vehicle: law enforcement opens case

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Unidentified persons set fire to a military minibus in a parking lot in Dnipro, damaging the vehicle, and law enforcement officers opened a criminal case over the arson.

On the night of June 10, unidentified persons set fire to a minibus belonging to the Armed Forces of Ukraine in a parking lot in Dnipro. The perpetrators are wanted. Law enforcement officers opened criminal proceedings over the arson of the vehicle. UNN reports this with reference to the regional police.


The incident occurred in a parking lot on Yaskrava Street in Dnipro.

The police found that the arson had set fire to a Volkswagen minibus belonging to the military. The fire damaged the engine compartment, the car's torpedo and the windshield.

Empty gasoline bottles were found at the scene. According to preliminary information from law enforcement, a group of people may be involved in the arson.

Investigators initiated criminal proceedings under Part 2 of Article 194 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (intentional destruction or damage to property).

У приватному будинку Київської області спалахнула пожежа: вогнеборці ліквідували загорання11.06.24, 22:42

Tatiana Kraevskaya

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