
Hungarian OTP Bank is in the process of leaving Russia - NACP

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OTP Bank is implementing its plan to exit the Russian market, following the instructions of the NAPC and the European Commission.

The Hungarian OTP Bank is currently in the process of implementing a plan to exit the Russian market. This was announced during a briefing by the head of the NAPC Oleksandr Novikov, the correspondent of UNN reports.

OTP Bank is in communication with the national agency and the European Commission in the process of implementing the plan of withdrawal from the Russian Federation

- said Oleksandr Novikov.


According to Novikov, there have been cases when other countries have asked the NACP to exclude certain companies from the list of international war sponsors.

In each of these cases, the NACP acted in accordance with the public exclusion criteria published on the national agency's website. And it excludes such companies or suspends their status only after they leave the Russian market or submit a plan to leave the Russian market

- emphasized Oleksandr Novikov.


On May 4, 2023, the Hungarian OTP Bank, which continues to operate in Russiaand has a subsidiary bank in Ukraine, was included in the list of international sponsors of the war. h

However, on October 2, the NACP announced that it had removed OTP Bank from the register of international "war sponsors" completely.

Anna Onishchenko



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