
Humeniuk: russians are not preparing new strike groups in the southern direction, but only rotate attack aircraft

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In the south, the occupation forces are not forming new strike groups. the russians are trying to maintain the intensity of the assault through constant rotations.

In the south, the occupation forces do not create new strike units, but only conduct a constant rotation of troops, including assault groups. This was stated by the head of the joint press center of the Operational Command "South" Natalia Gumenyuk on the air of the telethon "United News", reports UNN.


According to her, the occupiers currently have enough resources to replenish combat groups, which are then sent to storm Ukrainian positions. 

In our area of responsibility, we do not observe the creation of additional strike groups, and personnel rotations are ongoing. It should be understood that from the line of contact deep in the temporarily occupied territory, the russians have accumulated enough resources to rotate personnel, to renew the composition of those units from which, for example, they form assault groups and which are then sent to storm our bridgeheads 

- summarized Humeniuk.


The head of the joint press center of the Operational Command "South" said that the occupation forces are trying to maintain the intensity of the assault, but due to constant failures and large-scale losses, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the russians to form new combat groups.

Українські захисники упродовж тижня знищили майже 12 батальйонів російських загарбників26.02.24, 11:37

In this way, (the russians - ed.) are trying to keep the intensity of assault operations at least at 3-4 per day. They have made five such attempts in the past, but it is very difficult for them to form these groups in a moral and psychological sense. Because word of mouth has already spread that this is a one-way ticket, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to form such groups

- explained Humeniuk.


In the southern direction, Ukrainian special forces adjusted HIMARS fire at a russian launcher for ZALA and Lancet drones.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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