
Halushchenko: Decision on new electricity tariffs will be made by the end of the week

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The decision on new electricity tariffs for household consumers will be made by the end of May.

The decision on new electricity tariffs for household consumers will be made by the end of May. Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko said this during an hour of questions to the government in the Verkhovna Rada on Friday, UNN reports .


Galushchenko answered the question about raising electricity tariffs:

"This issue is being considered, today we are making final calculations, the decision will be made in the coming week, that is, by the end of May,".

According to him, the level of current tariffs, taking into account the losses of the power system, is not able to cover the cost of electricity production.

We are currently considering a differentiated approach. I do not think that one tariff will be changed for another - there will be differentiation depending on the volume of electricity consumption

- Galushchenko noted.

Кабмін затвердив постанову, яка зобов’язує обленерго забезпечити рівномірну та справедливу черговість відключень електроенергії - Шмигаль24.05.24, 15:29

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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