
Grades obtained by Ukrainian children in schools abroad will be recognized in Ukraine

 • 106664 переглядiв

All grades obtained abroad are re-calculated upon returning to Ukraine. To do this, it is enough to provide an extract of grades obtained abroad and a certificate of the grading system in the child's country of residence.

The grades of Ukrainian children given by teachers abroad should be counted in Ukraine. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, UNN reports.


This was emphasized during a special meeting chaired by Vice Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk. 

It is noted that this question was raised by representatives of the Ukrainian School in Geneva, which was founded in April 2022 by the Association of Ukrainian Women in Switzerland.

A representative of the Ministry of Education explained that last year the ministry developed relevant methodological recommendations approved by an order of the Ministry of Education and Science. They explain certain issues of education in general secondary education institutions under martial law.

У школах Чехії скоротилася кількість учнів з України07.01.24, 02:35

According to the recommendations, all grades obtained abroad are re-calculated upon return. To do this, it is enough to provide an information certificate, which must be attached:

  •  extract of grades obtained abroad;
  • a certificate of the evaluation system used in the host country.

The recommendations also stipulate that children who have been forced to change their place of residence and received education abroad will be enrolled in general secondary education institutions in Ukraine upon their return.

Where they studied before, or to any other. Enrollment will be based on the application of one of their parents or other legal representatives


The Ministry of Reintegration adds that children can study only subjects with a Ukrainian component abroad. This is possible both remotely in Ukrainian schools and at the International Ukrainian School (IUS).

These include the Ukrainian language and literature, the history of Ukraine, the basics of jurisprudence, geography, civic education, defense of Ukraine, and the subject "I Explore the World" (in terms of civic and historical education).

This helps to avoid the double burden of studying in parallel at Ukrainian and foreign schools

- the agency explained.

In addition, the participants of the meeting discussed the possibility of crediting the experience of Ukrainian teachers who are currently working abroad.


New data from the Center for Civic Education shows that about 300,000 Ukrainian children live in Poland. However, more than half of them, namely 53%, do not attend school. This includes at least 112,800 children of primary school age and 43,600 adolescents of secondary school age.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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