
General Staff: enemy's plans to penetrate into the depths of Vovchansk's urban area and gain a foothold have been thwarted, the enemy has been pushed north of Kyslivka

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The defense forces thwarted the plans of Russian troops to penetrate into the depths of Vovchansk's urban area and gain a foothold there, continuing to perform combat missions within the urban area in the northern part of the city and keeping the enemy under fire control, the General Staff said.

The defense forces thwarted the plans of Russian troops to penetrate as deep as possible into the urban area of Vovchansk, Kharkiv region, and gain a foothold there, continuing to perform combat missions within the urban area in the northern part of the city and keeping the enemy under fire control, and Ukrainian defenders improved their tactical position and pushed the enemy back in the area north of Kyslivka, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported in a summary as of 10:30 a.m. on May 16, UNN reports.

Since the beginning of the enemy's offensive on 10.05.2024 in the Kharkiv direction, the Defense Forces have significantly reduced the activity of the Russian occupiers by decisive actions. The enemy's plans to penetrate deep into the city of Vovchansk and gain a foothold there have been thwarted. Since the beginning of this day, our units have continued to perform combat missions within the urban area of Vovchansk in the northern part of the city, keeping the enemy under fire control. The situation is under control

- the General Staff report says.

It is also stated that in the Kupyansk direction, Russian occupants, supported by armored vehicles, are trying to attack Ukrainian positions in the Krokhmalne-Berestove direction. "Ukrainian defenders destroyed a tank and an infantry fighting vehicle here. The battle continues, the situation is under control. Also, our defenders improved their tactical position and pushed the enemy back in the area north of Kyslivka," the General Staff said.

Ситуацію на Харківщині частково стабілізували, але окупанти атакують вздовж майже всієї лінії фронту - Генштаб15.05.24, 20:57


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