
FT: EU prepares options for cooperation with the US in case of Trump's victory

 • 10113 переглядiв

The EU plans to offer the US a quick trade deal if Trump wins. If he imposes punitive tariffs, the EU is ready to respond with its own duties of up to 50% on American goods.

If Donald Trump wins the US presidential election, the EU will offer Washington a quick trade deal and a targeted response if he imposes punitive tariffs on EU goods. This was reported by the Financial Times and UNN .


The publication explains that EU officials believe that the “carrot and stick” approach is the best response to Trump, who promises to impose a minimum tariff of 10%.

It is expected that this could reduce EU exports by about 150 billion euros annually.

Negotiators plan to reach out to Trump's team, if he wins the November election, before he officially becomes president to discuss which American goods the EU could buy in larger quantities.

Трамп заявив, що якщо він переможе, то американцям більше не доведеться голосувати на виборах: реакція суспільства 28.07.24, 16:42

In turn, if negotiations to improve trade fail and Trump imposes higher tariffs, the European Commission's trade department draws up lists of imported goods that could be subject to duties of 50 percent or more.

We need to show that we are a partner for the US, not a problem. We will seek agreements, but we are ready to defend ourselves if necessary. We will not be guided by fear

- said a senior EU official.


Former US President Donald Trump has said that if he does not win the November elections, a major war and possibly World War III will break out in the Middle East.


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