
Flying objects spotted over Bundeswehr military training grounds where Ukrainians train: Russian agents suspected

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Drones are often spotted flying over German military training grounds where Ukrainian troops are training, suspected to be operated by Russian intelligence; Germany has not yet confirmed these suspicions.

Germany suspects that Russia is spying on the location of the Bundeswehr using drones. Bild writes about this, UNN reports .


The Bundeswehr regularly observes small drones over the military training grounds where Ukrainian soldiers are primarily trained. According to German politicians, some drones have even entered the airspace of different military facilities at the same time. It is noted that they could not be repelled and disappeared after flying over German territory.

Drones are regularly spotted over the Klitsch military training ground, where the Bundeswehr trains Ukrainians on the Leo 1. At other sites, several drones sometimes enter the airspace at the same time. This is clearly organized and strongly points to Russia

- , FDP defense expert Markus Faber comments to Bild.

Despite the fact that the Bundeswehr suspects that Moscow is behind the appearance of these drones, it cannot prove it yet, as no drones have been shot down.

In this context, the German media recall the military's investigation into unexplained drone flights over the Altenhrabow military training ground in Saxony-Anhalt. A spokesperson for the Bundeswehr Territorial Command told MDR Saxony-Anhalt that in 2023, there were even double-digit reports of drones over German military installations.

According to Andreas Schwarz of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), the country needs to "speed up.

It cannot be that the inspector general finds that there is a huge problem with drones and then nothing happens for a year

- the politician notes.

Sebastian Schaefer (Green Party) emphasized that there is currently "no drone strategy in Germany".

We need them urgently

- He adds.

Попит на оборону: глобальні замовлення на озброєння продовжують ріст попри затримки із виконанням замовлень28.12.23, 10:19


According to Tagesspiegel, the Bundeswehr currently uses HP-47 effector jammers for drone defense. However, new devices need to be purchased. Jammers are mobile devices for interrupting drone radio signals: if a drone is spotted, a soldier points a jammer at it.

Instead of ammunition, the jammer fires interference signals. Depending on the drone model, the aircraft can be forced to fly to the launch point, land or crash. The main goal is to block the drone's onboard camera.


Ukraine's President Zelenskiy plans to strengthen drone capabilities and counter Russian drones through new cooperation with partners.

Зенітний комплекс SKYNEX, боєприпаси для ЗРК та танків: Німеччина передала Україні новий пакет військової допомоги04.01.24, 19:55

Ihor Telezhnikov



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