
Fake video of a shot at a TCC worker is being spread in Russia - police urge to trust only official sources

 • 31539 переглядiв

A fake video circulating in Russia allegedly showing a shooting in a shopping center is a hoax, the National Police of Ukraine says. They warned the public against trusting unofficial sources and confirmed that the video bears clear signs of being fake.

Russian media disseminate a video of the alleged shooting of a TCC employee, allegedly during the process of serving summonses. The National Police of Ukraine denied the fake and urged not to trust hostile sources, UNN reports.


During the monitoring, the police found a two-second video in the Russian media showing an unknown person allegedly shooting at a TCC employee while serving a summons. The propagandists claimed that it was the National Police that allegedly published this content.

However, this is not true, and the preliminary inspection revealed that the video contains signs of forgery. For example, there are no signs of a firearms shot, the person's clothes in the video do not match the uniform of a TCC employee, and the watermark on the video is a fake NPU watermark, and does not match the one used to mark the official video, law enforcement officers said.

In addition, the police did not receive any reports of the murder or injury of an employee of the TCC JV.

Спростовано ворожий фейк про неможливість потрапити до лікаря без військового квитка11.01.24, 15:36

Anna Onishchenko



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