
Execution of Ukrainian prisoners of war: Kyslytsia calls on UN Security Council to give "priority attention to the issue"

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Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations calls on the Security Council to stop the execution of Ukrainian prisoners of war by Russia as a matter of priority.

Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations Sergiy Kyslytsya called on members of the Security Council to contribute to identifying the most effective strategies to stop the execution of Ukrainian prisoners of war by Russia. He said this at a meeting of the UN Security Council on April 11, UNN reports. 

"We remain concerned about the atrocities against Ukrainian prisoners of war. On April 7, new shocking videos appeared on Russian social media showing Russian soldiers killing three captured unarmed Ukrainian servicemen in the Kherson region,"  Kyslytsya said. 

He recalled that in its latest report, covering the period from December 1, 2023 to February 29, 2024, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights recorded a sharp increase in the number of reports of executions of Ukrainian prisoners of war. The UN counted  32 such executions, which is significantly more than in any previous period.

In total, Ukrainian law enforcement agencies are investigating 27 criminal cases over the execution of 54 Ukrainian prisoners of war by Russians since the beginning of Russia's large-scale invasion  of Ukraine.

"The conclusions of the International Commission of Inquiry into the events in Ukraine confirm a consistent picture of large-scale and systematic torture used by the Russian authorities in places of detention," Kyslytsya emphasized. 

The UN Permanent Representative also noted that Russia refuses to grant access to prisoners of war and civilian prisoners to representatives of the UN and ICRC

We urge members of the Security Council to prioritize this issue and contribute to identifying the most effective strategies to address and end these egregious violations of international humanitarian law

- Kislitsa urged. 


On April 7, a video was posted onlinein which the occupiers shot unarmed Ukrainian prisoners of war. According to the caption, it happened near Krynky in the Kherson region.


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