
Estonian Intelligence: Russia Fears F-16 Fighters Coming into Service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine

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Russian intelligence fears the consequences of potential deliveries of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine.

In recent weeks, Russian troops have bombed various Ukrainian military facilities, including runways. This indicates that Russia considers the arrival of F-16 fighters in Ukraine's arsenal to be dangerous. This was stated by the head of the Military Intelligence Center, Colonel Ants Kiviselg, according to ERR, UNN reports .

Across the country, power generation facilities, port and railroad infrastructure, military airfields, weapons and ammunition depots, military educational institutions, and defense industry enterprises engaged in the production and repair of weapons were affected,

- Kiviselg said.


He also emphasized that the violation of the flight paths indicates that the Russians consider the entry of F-16s into Ukraine's arsenal dangerous.

The Estonian intelligence chief added that more massive Russian missile strikes are expected in the near future. Kiviselg noted that Russia's ongoing tactic is to suppress Ukraine's air defense.


As UNN previously reported , Denmark promises 8 billion euros in aid to Ukraine and plans to supply F-16 aircraft together with its allies.

Три групи українських пілотів та авіаперсоналу проходять навчання у п'яти країнах: де саме10.01.24, 16:59

Olga Rozgon



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