
Enemy starts more active use of reconnaissance and combat drones in Kharkiv region - SBGS

 • 19224 переглядiв

Russia has intensified the use of reconnaissance and combat drones in the Kharkiv region: in recent days, border guards have shot down four UAVs, the aggressor country is trying to conduct aerial reconnaissance and launching various tactical drones, some of which are equipped with foreign-made trackers to track their location.

Russia has begun to increase its use of reconnaissance and combat drones in the Kharkiv region. Over the past few days, border guards have destroyed four UAVs. This was reported by the State Border Guard Service, UNN writes.


It is noted that  the aggressor country is trying to conduct aerial reconnaissance and actively deploy operational and tactical UAVs of various modifications.

"The other day in the Kharkiv sector, while performing combat missions, border guards detected an unmanned aerial vehicle that had crossed the state border and was flying deep into the territory of Ukraine.

Also, the day before, border guards landed two kamikaze drones and a small copter-type sniffer, which have been increasingly trying to strike at the positions of the border guards and the Ukrainian Defense Forces," the SBGS reported.


Experts from the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise previously foundthat Russians have begun equipping their Orlan-10 reconnaissance drones with foreign-made trackers designed to track the location of objects.

"In Russian reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles of the Orlan-10 type, the experts of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise found trackers for tracking the location of objects. All recent samples of UAVs that have been submitted for examination have such elements. This indicates that the enemy is using drones not only for general information gathering, but also for systematic tracking of the points where "enemy birds" are shot down or land.

The trackers are equipped with main and autonomous power sources, so even after the main systems fail, before the loss of communication, the coordinates can be sent," said Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise.

He emphasized that the trackers were imported to Russia as dual-use goods, and the country of origin has already been identified.

"Like most components of the electronic component base in Russian weapons, trackers are dual-use goods and can be used for civilian and military purposes. Their components, chips and microcircuits, are not produced in Russia. Information about the manufacturers and countries of origin has now been identified and transferred to the pre-trial investigation authorities," Ruvin added.


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