
"Educational game changer": beta testing of the Mriya app has started in Ukraine

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The Mriya app, which changes the rules of the game in the field of education, was launched as a beta test in 40 schools across Ukraine for students, parents and teachers.

Beta testing of the educational application "Mriya" has started in Ukraine, Deputy Prime Minister-Minister of innovation, development of Education, Science and Technology-Minister of digital transformation Mikhail Fedorov said on Thursday, UNN writes.

Mriya is already operating in 40 schools in Ukraine - a beta test has been launched. Mriya will become an important tool for transforming all educational systems in the world. And today the first 40 schools across Ukraine are starting to test our educational game changer

- wrote Fedorov in Telegram.

According to him,"the first task is to make teachers and teachers fall in love." "Teachers should see speed, efficiency and their own development in Mriya. During testing, they will test logs, a daily plan, a content library, and chats with parents and students - all in one app. Less time for routine, more time for the development of children," he said.

"Parents with Mriya will know what their children like and do best, and where they need support and attention. So they will understand more deeply how to help children realize themselves in the future," Fedorov said.

For children, Mriya, according to him, "will focus on personal development - a library of content about and, artificial intelligence, interesting things from professionals, the Mriya ID document, a day plan and chats." "Everything is like adults, only instead of meetings - lessons and achievements," the official said.

"Our goal is to create such a convenient and popular product that schools will compete for the speed of implementation of Mriya. Thank you to the president for his initiative, Vision and support. Mriya will prove that we are capable of change," Fedorov concluded.

Min figures added who will test and how the beta test will take place:

Who will test Mriya?

  • students: "dream ID", academic achievements, Day Plan, task list with deadlines, content library by interests, signal-based chats. 
  • parents: child's achievements, schedule, grades, homework, recommended content library, signal-based chats. 
  • teachers: calendar plan, schedule, Journal, homework assignments, content library for professional development, signal-based chats.

Beta testing takes place in three stages:

  1. checking the app's functionality-from logging in and filling out the log to chats, notifications, and analytics of final achievements. 
  2. preparing for the school year - each school will be visited by Mriya trainers, who teach teachers how to quickly and easily use the app and web version at work. 
  3. testing " Mriya "in real conditions - 40 schools will pass the academic year with"Mriya" for the first time.

Уряд затвердив положення про функціонування освітнього застосунку “Мрія”16.02.24, 16:14

Julia Shramko



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