
Detention of a Ministry of Culture official for bribery: the Ministry reacts

 • 19859 переглядiв

An official of Ukraine's Culture Ministry was detained for taking a bribe to facilitate the export of antique weapons, and the ministry promised full cooperation with the corruption investigation.

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy intends to assist law enforcement officers in investigating the case of a detained official of the department who was caught taking bribes for the unimpeded export of antiques from Ukraine. This is stated in a statement by the Ministry of Culture, UNN reports

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine will fully assist law enforcement agencies in the investigation. Corruption is unacceptable under any circumstances. Neither in times of peace nor in times when artists and journalists are defending our country side by side with their brothers in the security and defense forces

- reads the statement of the Ministry of Culture.

The agency promised to inform the public about further developments.


An official of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine was exposed in the capital. He was detained while receiving a bribe for facilitating the export of antique cold steel weapons from Ukraine. 

At present, a notice of suspicion is being prepared and the issue of choosing a measure of restraint in the form of detention is being decided.


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