The High Anti-Corruption Court has limited the period of familiarization with the case against former Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Andriy Pyvovarsky and his former first deputy, who are suspected of abuse of power and office, until July. This was reported by UNN with reference to the SAPO.
On March 25, 2024, at the request of a NABU detective, approved by the SAPO prosecutor, the HACC investigating judge limited the defense's time to familiarize itself with the materials in the case against the former Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine and his former first deputy, who are suspected of abuse of power and office.
The deadline for familiarization is July 23, 2024 inclusive. After this time, the party to the criminal proceedings will be deemed to have exercised its right to access the materials.
The SAPO noted that on August 8, 2023, the pre-trial investigation in the case was completed.
Since then, the defense has been familiarizing itself with the case file.
In 2015, the Minister, together with his first deputy, who was also the chairman of the Tariff Council of the Ministry of Infrastructure, issued an order allowing private companies to charge half the rate of ship dues to vessels in the Pivdennyi seaport. This order was issued despite the fact that the water area of the Pivdennyi seaport is state property and is used by USPA, and the right to charge dues belongs exclusively to the state enterprise.
Instead, according to this order, only a part of the funds was allocated to the state enterprise, while the rest was collected by private companies. As a result, USPA suffered more than USD 49.63 million in damages. As a result, USPA suffered more than USD 49.63 million in damages, which was confirmed by the relevant expert opinions.
Addendum Addendum
In February 2023, the former Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Andriy Pyvovarsky and his former first deputy were notified of suspicion of abuse of power and office.