
Collaborator detained in Kherson who forcibly "passported" beneficiaries during the occupation of the city

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In Kherson, a collaborator was detained who forcibly issued passports to local "beneficiaries" when the city was controlled by russian troops . This was reported by the press service of the SBU, UNN reports.


It is noted that during the occupation of the regional center, she supported the Russian invaders and became a member of the leadership of the so-called "Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

Виправдовував російську агресію: депутат Черкаської міськради отримав п'ять років тюрми25.12.23, 18:47

In this "position", she participated in the fulfillment of the Kremlin's tasks of forcibly "integrating" the region's legal framework into the "standards" of Russian legislation. Among other things, she organized the transfer of social benefits exclusively in rubles of the aggressor country.

The collaborator also forced local residents to apply for citizenship of the aggressor country, and in case of refusal, threatened to cancel any social benefits. The most affected by the criminal actions of the defendant were lonely elderly people, people with disabilities and other representatives of the privileged category of the population

- the SBU said.

Based on the collected evidence, the SBU investigators served the detainee a notice of suspicion under Part 5 Art. 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (collaboration).

The woman is currently in custody. The investigation is ongoing. The offender faces up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property.


Investigators found that after the liberation of Kherson on , the offender stayed in the city and "laid low" by changing her place of residence. In this way, she hoped to avoid justice for the crime.

Law enforcers found out that had worked in one of the city's labor and social protection departments before defecting to the enemy.

"Зливав" позиції ППО: до 9 років за ґратами засудили українця, який працював на рф 04.01.24, 11:52

In July 2022, the Russian invaders offered her to join the ranks of the local occupation administration of the Russian Federation, to which she immediately agreed, betraying the oath of office.


The SBU detained an agent of the Russian GRU in Zaporizhzhia, who was planning to pass geolocation data of Ukrainian defense companies to Russia. He now faces life in prison for high treason.

Volodymyr Omelchenko

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