
Chinese foreign minister meets with Lavrov: they discuss strengthening cooperation between China and russia

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The foreign ministers of russia and China met in Beijing to discuss further deepening of cooperation between the two countries and the development of Sino-russian relations.

On Tuesday, April 9, russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. The parties discussed strengthening cooperation between the two countries. This was reported by UNN with reference to a press release of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.


The ministry said that on April 9, 2024, a member of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee, Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks in Beijing with russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

In particular, the Chinese minister congratulated Putin on his election victory and noted that Beijing will continue to support russia's development and revival under President Putin's leadership.

He also emphasized that Moscow and Beijing maintain relations as two large neighboring countries, because it "fully meets the fundamental interests of the two peoples.

Байден говорив телефон із Сі: висловив занепокоєння з приводу підтримки Китаєм росії та "несправедливої" торговельної політики КНР02.04.24, 19:59

Wang Yi emphasized that diplomacy between heads of state is a fundamental guarantee of stability and long-term development of China-russia relations. Under the strategic leadership of President Xi Jinping and President Putin, the China-russia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for a New Era continues to operate at a high level.

- the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement. 

It is noted that China is ready to work with russia in accordance with the consensus reached by the heads of the two states to fully utilize the unique advantages of the Sino-russian high-level exchange mechanism, strengthen the coherence of the two countries' development plans, and promote practical cooperation in various fields.

The two sides should seize the opportunity when russia takes over the BRICS chairmanship this year and China assumes the chairmanship of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the second half of the year to strengthen coordination and strategic cooperation between the two countries

- China is confident.

Кілька найбільших банків КНР перестали приймати платежі з рф21.02.24, 10:16


In turn, Lavrov thanked China for its valuable support of the presidential elections in russia and noted that russian-Chinese relations are based on mutual respect and dialogue. 

According to him, russia will continue the traditions of russian-Chinese friendship and comprehensively strengthen cooperation with China

russia supports global security initiatives and is ready to deepen cooperation with China on multilateral platforms such as the BRICS, SCO, UN and G20 to promote a more just and democratic international order

- reads the final statement of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.


Bloomberg reported that China is supporting russia in its war with Ukraineby providing geospatial intelligence and other important military components.


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