
China fears that without Russia, its relations with the United States will be even more difficult - Zelenskyy

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Zelensky said that China fears that without Russia, its relations with the United States will be even more difficult, as Russia acts as a deterrent to China in its relations with the United States.

China has a strict dialog with the United States. China is afraid that without Russia, its relations with the United States will be even more complicated. This was stated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with Trudy Rubin, a columnist for The Philadelphia Inquirer, an UNN correspondent reports .

China has a strict dialog with the United States. China is trying to find a warm format with Europe. China definitely needs it, because it is a large market, 600 million people, these are the largest economies in the world... The only thing is that they (Russia - ed.) have nuclear weapons and the US is afraid that Russia can use these weapons, so I think that Biden, Congress and his administration need to be even more powerful, more courageous, because they are 10 times more powerful than Putin. This is without Europe, but with Europe 10 times. He is small compared to the world economy

- Zelensky said.

According to him, China is afraid that without Russia, China's relations with the United States will be even more complicated.

"They think of Putin as a deterrent. I am trying to constantly take China's attention away from Russia and engage them in our process. They have to join us. The second story is that it is not logical to fight on many fronts. We have only one enemy - Russia. Whatever the difficulties, Europe and the United States should try to disconnect from Russia," Zelenskyy said.

He also commented on the meeting between Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and DPRK leader Kim Jong-un.

"I think that Putin's meeting with North Korea is just a fork in Xi Jinping's eye. The second story is that Putin is still afraid of China, but I think he was in a dead end because he needed two things - first of all, he needed to do something politically, because he saw more than 100 countries at the Peace Summit. The summit made Putin look for allies, and here they are. We see the terrorist country of North Korea. What made him do it is definitely political isolation, and secondly, he lacks artillery. There are several million artillery shells in North Korea. Putin just needs this artillery, that is, he is risking relations with China because of the lack of shells. And this was a good signal to our soldiers that things are not so good on the battlefield in Russia," Zelensky said.

Zelensky believes that North Korea has five million  artillery shells in its stockpiles.

Кулеба вважає, що якщо рф скотилася до залежності від КНДР, то Україна в кращій формі: пояснив чому19.06.24, 19:33

"If you take the stocks that North Korea has of artillery shells, the stocks, I don't know how much they produce, but certainly production is always slower than all the stocks, so if you take all the stocks, I think they have about five million artillery shells in warehouses, which is less than Russia used during the year. This shows that they cannot give them everything, because they need stocks, but it also shows an understanding for all partners that let's not talk about a long war, because they don't have the strength. We have no desire in Ukraine, but he does. He has no strength and this is a fact," Zelensky said.

Reuters: росія та КНДР підписали угоду про стратегічне партнерство, яка передбачає військову підтримку 19.06.24, 14:16

Anna Murashko



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