
British intelligence: due to large-scale losses in the war in Ukraine, russians are recruiting school graduates

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Against the backdrop of significant losses in the war in Ukraine, the Russians are forced to recruit even high school graduates. In this way, the occupiers seek to compensate for the lack of manpower.

British analysts emphasize that due to significant losses in the war in Ukraine, the russians have begun recruiting school graduates. This is stated in the daily intelligence report published by the British Ministry of Defense, UNN reports .


The agency recalled that the other day, the former president of the russian federation, and now Deputy Chairman of the Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, said that during 2023, another 500,000 people allegedly joined the russian army.

It is likely that this figure is significantly overstated

- British intelligence emphasize.

Analysts are convinced that it is likely that the main burden of mobilization will fall on poorer regions and rural areas.

370 тисяч окупантів та понад 6 тисяч танків: Генштаб оновив дані про втрати рф в Україні 14.01.24, 10:36

British intelligence also emphasizes that in an attempt to fulfill the mobilization plan, the russian military leadership has allowed school graduates to sign contracts with the army since April 2023.

The latest figures published by Mediaphone and the BBC russian service indicate that at least five Russians born in 2005 have been killed in the war

- a British intelligence report says.


According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the russian military is increasingly refusing to perform tasks, so the Russian enemy command decided to experiment with additional types of incentives.

In particular, some Russian storm troopers have begun to be given narcotic and psychotropic substances, which lead to euphoria and dull pain.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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