
Border guards accidentally hit a man in Transcarpathia

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Border guards in Zakarpattia accidentally hit a man while searching for border violators. SBGS officers immediately called the police and an ambulance, which took the victim to the district hospital. The man is currently in the intensive care unit.

In Transcarpathia, border guards of the Mukachevo detachment accidentally hit a man while searching for border violators. This was reported by the Western Regional Directorate of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, UNN reports.


Yesterday, February 4, in Transcarpathia, border guards of the Mukachevo Detachment detected people moving toward the Tisa River, which forms the state border with Romania.

Information about a possible illegal border crossing was provided to Romanian border guards.

At the same time, during the search operations, a man who was moving away from the barrier fence suddenly jumped onto the State Border Guard Service vehicle. As a result of the collision, the man was injured 

- the agency summarized.

It is noted that the border guards  immediately called the police and an ambulance, which took the victim to the district hospital. The man is currently in the intensive care unit.

The border guards also said that their Romanian counterparts later detained the border violators.

Двоє чоловіків спробували виїхати за кордон в обшивці багажника авто03.02.24, 21:56


The injured man had repeatedly come to the attention of border guard detachment officers as a person involved in illegal activities related to the trafficking of persons across the state border

- said the State Border Guard Service.

The agency explained that other law enforcement agencies have been notified of this fact and an internal investigation has been ordered. The investigation is ongoing.

Border guards also sent a report to the National Police on the detection of signs of an offense under Art. 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Organization of illegal transportation of persons across the border".


In Bukovyna, Chernivtsi region , border guards detained three border violators, and are searching for the smuggler. To detain the men, border guards had to shoot in the air. 

Volodymyr Omelchenko

Crimes and emergencies


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