
Belgian prime minister resigns after party defeats in EU elections

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Belgian prime minister Alexandre de Kroo announced his resignation after his Open Vld party was defeated in the European Parliament elections.

Belgian prime minister Alexandre de Kroo has announced his resignation. This is reported by Agenzia Nova, reports UNN.


Belgian prime minister Alexandre de Kroo announced his resignation after the defeat of his Flemish Liberals and Democrats (Open Vld) party in the European Parliament elections.

I will resign as prime minister tomorrow

- announced Alexander De Kroo.

According to the latest data, after counting, the Open Vld party received less than 6 percent of the vote in the federal election, while the winners - the conservative N-VA party - 18%.

But the Liberals are strong, we'll be back

- added Alexander De Kroo.

Бельгія проти використання Україною їхньої зброї проти цілей у РФ01.06.24, 02:26

Julia Kotvitskaya



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